4 April 2012

Keyword Research Tools

Keyword research is the most important part if you are going to build a website. If you know what users are searching for, you know what kind of topics cover to target when you create content or showcase products for the website. Keyword research discovers this information for you.
You should realize that user search queries trends change after a while, so it is a excellent idea to refresh your keyword data on a usual list.

Ideally, the KP’s tool should allow simple, fast access to complete data. Numerous tools exist today on the web to help you for perform this work, and they range from simple online services to products supplied by the search engines themselves. You require to recognize your needs before you choose a tool, as well. If you know your seasonality, it will help inform the selection of keyword research tools. Some keyword research tools only show you 30 day data. While this may seem like enough, be advised that if not you track the keyword data manually, you may imagine seasonal terms have extra traffic than they truly do. Vacation related searches point at various times, and a keyword research tool only showing the past 30 days data this may be very short a window to really show you the yearly trend(Search Queries). Main thing is you could end up thinking there’s many of traffic on a term, when that traffic only occurs once per year.

Other keyword research tools show you around one year of data, which is an excellent way to flatten seasonal trends (Search Queries) and help you to see what a longer time of user data looks like.

As mentioned, some keyword research tools are third party; while others keyword research tools are direct form the search engines themselves. These keyword research tools  offer an excellent way to gain insight via trusted resources, though you should keep in mind that even these keyword tools represent only a snapshot of the true number of searches users do on any given phrase or word.

Every keyword tool should be capable of to presenting you not only data on exactly what you asked for, but also data on related key phrases to the one you inquired about. Your chosen keyword research tool or keyword analysis tool should allow you to export your data so you can manipulate it on your own time.

Finally, it is very important to know that if you use a variety of keyword analysis tools, you will observe a range of results. This is because of the sources of the data, obviously. The main point here is to keep in mind to treat this data as a keyword search trend. If you graphed the numbers shown between keyword analysis tools, the graphs should be approximately the same. You should be focused on the trend (keyword search trend), which points to the most searched on phrases, rather than the complete numbers shown in any keyword research tool.

Keyword Research Tool List:

Microsoft Advertising Keyword Research Tool – (It’s an excel plugin – super simple to install and use.)

Yahoo Clues – cool tool from Yahoo

YouTube offers us their tool for researching keywords and phrases

Google’s Keyword Research Tool – be careful with the settings to get best results

Google Insights

Google Trends

SEOBook’s Keyword Tool – requires at least a free account

Keyword Discovery – requires a free account; to see deeper data, you must pay

WordTracker’s Free Keyword Tool – requires you to pay to see deeper data

Tag Crowd – cool tool

Keyrow – very cool

Hittail keyword tool – Great tool if you are active with managing your content and mapping to targeted keywords.
contributed by, SEO Guru

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