29 March 2009

Content Management

As an online business owner you may have a professionally designed website on the internet and may even get traffic directed to your site. However the user has a limited amount of time on his hand and will not waste it in unnecessarily surfing a site if it is of no use to him or her. The content therefore takes precedence over all other aspects. As long as the content offered by the website is relevant to a user the person is bound to come back to the site over and over again. This would also translate in the user recommending this site to others thereby enhancing the site visit by users which results in increased sales conversion for the business. Comet search engine marketing firm realizes the importance of content and has a dedicated content team who are experienced professionals who create content that works for the user and earns business for the client.

Content is king as we all know and in this day and age content is important. But what is more important is getting it to the right place at the right time and in front of the right person as well. CMS (content management systems) are the backbone of the dynamic website of today. If you are in any way not satisfied with your content then come to us at Comet.

Personalization is what our content management systems offer for your site. With a good content management system you can serve up anything at the right time to a prospective buyer. A content management system comes in all sizes, shapes and colors. I prefer sky blue but that’s for another article. You have to know what you want. Of course, in order to ascertain whether or not an off the shelf system is going to work for you or not is for you to decide. You also have to decide whether or not you need to build one from scratch.

Building a content management system from scratch is not a task to be taken lightly and when you are choosing which “contractor” to use you had better choose wisely lest you be left with a house without a roof during a storm. The improper content management system can wreck havoc to your site.

Robust PHP based content management systems are what we tout. They can handle anything and are quite flexible. PHP is the best coding system for this as it is flexible and everyone under the sun knows it now, so finding workable solutions around programming obstacles has become a synch. What is more no technical qualification is needed to operate the content management system.

Give us a call and let’s get your content managed properly. Add a new search feature, put up job listings in your site, and add articles, news and press releases. Update a picture in your site that looks simply outdated. You'll no longer have to put up with such outdated stuff. Let’s make sure that the customer gets the information he or she needs at the perfect time to make a sale!

Blog Writer For Hire
Blogging involves confidentiality because most individuals and companies prefer that I don’t reveal that I’m writing their blogs and the reason is understandable. Even if you hire me as your blog writer you’ll prefer I don’t declare your name on my website unless your blog is of general nature and it doesn’t matter who is writing for it.

If you hire me as your Blog Writer I’ll take care that:

  • Blog post titles are search engine friendly
  • Proper, keywords-enriched headings are used
  • Keywords are used as anchor text
  • The blog posts are delivered in HTML format
  • The blog posts are thoroughly proofread
  • They are of the word-length you desire
OK, why do you have to hire a freelance blog writer?

The use of blogging as your PR, marketing and branding tool is unavoidable. You can decide not to have a blog and that is fine, but just do some research and see how your competitors are leaping ahead of you by leveraging the power of their blogs. This is not to scare you; this is the reality.

So once you have started a blog for your company or organization, you have to post regularly. Regularity is the key: it doesn’t matter if you post your blog every hour, once a day, or a couple of times a week. You continuously have to generate new content, you have to keep the buzz alive.

For this you can either hire a full time blog writer or you can hire a freelance bog writer. It depends on what suits you and both have their advantages and disadvantages. Since I’m a freelance blog writer I’ll list here a few advantages of hiring a freelance blog writer:

  • You don’t have to pay me as if you have a full time employee
  • Since I need to keep myself competitive to get new assignments my growth doesn’t stop as soon as you hire me
  • I’m always finding/learning new ways of writing better
  • My main concern is your blog posts should cater both to your human readers and the search engines
  • I write posts that incite response from your readers
  • I have writers that are comfortable with numerous topics
  • I can even help you install and configure your blogging software like WordPress, Expression Engine, MovableType. TypePad etc
contributed by, ABHISHEK SEO

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