8 May 2009

Web Analytics

What are Google Web Analytics?

Who is coming to your site? Prospects? Tire-kickers? Anybody? What do they do when they get there? Web analytics tells you all this and more. Here’s some of what you can learn:

Keyword/phrase visitor used in search to find your website

Most Frequented Pages

Path through the site including entry and exit.

Pick three bullets, any three…

This data can be used simply to track the overall success of your website or it can be analyzed to improve the website’s effectiveness as part of your overall marketing campaign.

There are many different providers of web analytics software. For the purposes of this article, we will focus on Google Analytics as it is currently free and provides a wealth of useful and targeted analysis tools.

How do you understand and use your web analytics effectively?

In the early days of the internet, web stats were simply a tally of the number of times an HTML file, image or web page was viewed – commonly referred to as “hits”. You may remember the little hit counters usually located near the bottom of the web page, proudly boasting about the number of “visitors”.

The fact of the matter is that “hits” are very inaccurate to use as an indicator of traffic. A hit can be counted each time a bit of data is downloaded from the page – that data can be images, files, html data, etc.

This means a single visitor could account for dozens of hits. So those hit counters that site owners were so proudly displaying were supplying false or at least misleading data.

In the late 90s the tracking of web data improved greatly. Now you could track the web views and most importantly, unique visitors. The unique visitors statistic is the most accurate piece of data for gauging website traffic on your website and provides a much clearer picture of exactly how many visitors are coming to your site.

A unique visitor is defined as a visitor that is accessing your website for the very first time. This visitor’s IP address is logged in the stats package to ensure that it is not counted a second time on a return visit.

To better understand what a unique visitor is, think of it this way:

30 people visited your website over the course of a week. These people each visited the site multiple times and on multiple days during the week. Regardless of how many times these 30 people came back to your website, your unique visitor count is still 30.

As search engines gained popularity, detailed web analytics and enhanced statistic tools became more and more important in gauging how effective internet marketing campaigns were. Analytics and web statistic providers took notice of this demand and stats and analytics now include data such as:

Direct traffic vs. referred traffic

Top referring search engines

Traffic over time

User path through website

And much more

How To get most from RSS Feed

What is RSS feed? How is it beneficial for website promotion and blog popularity?

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a kind of Web feed formats that permit Web surfers to read frequently updated works such as blogs, news articles, audios and videos without actually having to visit the source Web sites regularly. RSS plays a major role in online marketing. RSS feeds are measured as one of the most effective ways to create instant targeted visitors to a Web site.

RSS Feed provides an easy way for surfers to keep on updated with sites they get pleasure from. Compared to observance a bunch of sites bookmarked and needing to visit every website in order to observe if they have updated, this will save the surfers both time and effort. Having an RSS feed on your website will facilitate your visitors keep up to date with what´s going on.

RSS Feed includes metadata that has details about the writer and date of publication. These Web feeds are beneficial to publishers as well as readers. This RSS feed let the publishers syndicate contents automatically. They enable readers to subscribe to newest information from their well-liked Web sites, avoiding the conservative awkward subscription methods.

Only genuine users subscribe to contents through RSS feeds. When they receive a news item or cachy content from an RSS site, they immediately track the information and look for more such things in the source Web site. Thus the Web site succeeds in generating not only good traffic but also prospective customers.

If you own a blog, you will have to regularly update your information with fresh content, so you can ping more often and so you can get superior rankings for your targeted key phrases. Aggregating and using RSS feeds can benefit your blogging activities significantly by allowing you to add fresh, targeted content to your blog without actually updating it yourself. Whenever a search engine visitors your blog, it will record your RSS feed updates as fresh and possibly unique, targeted content.
contributed by, Abhishek SEO

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