9 March 2011

Top 50 Marketing Blogs of 2011

Top 50 Marketing Blogs of 2011
So you’ve got the greatest product to hit the market in a long time…now what? How do you get people to find out about, let alone buy it? That’s where marketing comes in. You’ve got to make sure you’re selling your products or services in the right way and to the right market. That’s where these bloggers shine. Below are the Top 50 Marketing Blogs of 2011.

Search Marketing

1) Search Engine Land
http://searchengineland.com/ - Search Engine Land is a news and information site covering search engine marketing, searching issues and the search engine industry. The site is led by journalist Danny Sullivan, who has been covering search for the past 11 years.

2) Search Engine Roundtable
http://www.seroundtable.com - The purpose behind the Search Engine Roundtable is to report on the most interesting threads taking place at the SEM (Search Engine Marketing) forums. By enlisting some of the most recognized names at those forums, the Roundtable is able to not only report on these outstanding threads but also provide a synopsis that provides greater detail into those threads.

3) Search Engine Watch
http://blog.searchenginewatch.com/- Search Engine Watch provides tips and information about searching the web, analysis of the search engine industry and help to site owners trying to improve their ability to be found in search engines.

4) Search Engine Journal
http://www.searchenginejournal.com – Search Engine Journal, established in 2003, is a 7 year old publication of Alpha Brand Media, which specializes in a community approach to the reporting of search engine news and the sharing of Search Engine Marketing knowledge and tactics.

5) Dave Naylor
http://www.davidnaylor.co.uk/blog – David Naylor started working in the SEO industry over 13 years ago. His blog attracts a worldwide audience and is well known for its down to earth, yet informative approach on all SEO issues.

6) Blogstorm SEO Blog
http://www.blogstorm.co.uk/- Blogstorm is the UK’s largest blog discussing internet marketing and search engine optimisation news and strategies. Since Blogstorm was launched in June 2007 it has grown into one of the largest blogs in the UK with 1.2 million readers every year and over 7900 daily RSS readers.

7) SEOmoz
http://www.seomoz.org/blog – SEOmoz provides the leading on-demand software platform for search marketers worldwide, including the top search engine optimization educational information and resources.

Marketing for Entrepreneurs

8) Seth’s Blog
http://sethgodin.typepad.com/ – Seth Godin’s riffs on marketing, respect, and the ways ideas spread. If you don’t know Seth, the writer of numerous bestselling books about marketing, you need to check out his ever popular blog.

9) Small Business Marketing Blog
http://www.ducttapemarketing.com/blog/- John Jantsch has been called the World’s Most Practical Small Business Expert for consistently delivering real-world, proven small business marketing ideas and strategies. Check out his blog at Duct Tape Marketing.

10) MarketingProfs Daily
http://www.mpdailyfix.com/- MarketingProfs Daily is a rich and trusted resource that offers actionable know-how to help you market your products and services both smarter and better. Entrepreneurs, small-business owners and marketers in the world’s largest corporations make up its 379,000 subscribers, making it the largest in its category.

11) PSFK 
http://www.psfk.com/- PSFK is the go-to source for new ideas for creative business. PSFK.com actively reports on the latest changes and creative ideas in popular, consumer and business culture.

12) TrendHunter
http://www.trendhunter.com/- With 31,000,000 monthly views, TrendHunter.com is the world’s largest, most popular trend community. Each day, Trend Hunter features a daily dose of micro-trends, viral news and pop culture.

Online Marketing

13) MarketingPilgrim.com
http://www.marketingpilgrim.com/- MarketingPilgrim.com was launched by internet marketing consultant Andy Beal in September 2005. As a follow-up to Beal’s award-winning search marketing blog, Marketing Pilgrim expands its coverage to bring the latest news, rumors and reviews of all things related to internet marketing and online advertising.

14) Copyblogger
http://www.copyblogger.com - Want more traffic, links, subscribers, and a profit-generating website? Copyblogger gives you the solutions you need to succeed.

15) Online Marketing Blog
http://www.toprankblog.com - Since December 2003, TopRank’s Online Marketing Blog has provided insights, resources and commentary on a range of digital marketing and public relations topics including: Search engine marketing and optimization, Social media marketing, Business blogging and marketing, and Online public relations.

16) MarketingVox
http://www.marketingvox.com/ - MarketingVOX keeps interactive marketers and online media professionals abreast of industry news with a focus on trends and tools that can have material impact on their work, as opposed to the hype of the day. 

17) Chris Garrett on New Media
http://www.chrisg.com/blog/- Chrisg.com is where Chris Garrett posts daily (or thereabouts) thoughts and advice on the business of new media, blogging and online marketing. The aim is to teach you ways you can create compelling resources, provide your audience more value, build trust and loyalty, and generate more rewards for yourself.

18) Econsultancy
http://econsultancy.com/us/blog - Econsultancy is a community where the world’s digital marketing and ecommerce professionals meet to sharpen their strategy, source suppliers, get quick answers, compare notes, help each other out and discover how to do everythingbetter online. It offers the latest digital marketing and ecommerce insight, analysis and opinion from multi-award-winning team of analysts and experts.

19) Inbound Marketing Strategies
http://www.findandconvert.com/blog/- Inbound Marketing Strategies examines Internet marketing topics with a focus on helping executives connect docs about how to create profitable relationships online. It’s all about strategy and using the tools to create profitable connections through content marketing and online relationship building.

20) Web Ink Now
http://www.webinknow.com/- Web Ink Now is written by David Meerman Scott, author of BusinessWeek bestseller “The New Rules of Marketing and PR” which is published in 24 languages. He writes about how marketing and PR have changed because of the Web. Many of his posts include information on how to use social media, online video, news releases, blogs, podcasts, viral marketing and online media to reach your buyers directly.

21) Compete Pulse
http://blog.compete.com/- Compete Pulse highlights how people are using the Internet and where interesting, useful sites can be found. The Compete blog is one of the premier blogs on the web and has been recognized for its timely, entertaining and fun commentary across a wide range of topics.
Marketing & Advertising

22) AdFreak
http://adweek.blogs.com – AdFreak offers the best and worst of advertising, marketing, pop culture and more. Jump in and get your Freak on!

23) I Believe in Advertising
http://www.ibelieveinadv.com- I Believe in Advertising offers the best selection about advertising and marketing around the globe, updated daily. It is a point of reference for advertising professionals and entrepreneurs alike.

24) Copyranter
http://copyranter.blogspot.com – Copyranter is written by a NYC advertising copywriter for 18 years, all at the same agency. He dislikes nearly everything, most likely including you, he says. Check out his useful blog anyway!

25) AdRants
http://www.adrants.com/ - Adrants, published by Adrants Publishing LLC, provides marketing and advertising news, especially insightful, informed, experiential, no holds barred commentary on the state of the advertising and media industries.

26) Ads of the World
http://adsoftheworld.com/ – Ads of the World is an advertising archive and community showcasing fresh campaigns daily from around the world.

27) Gaping Void
http://gapingvoid.com/- Hugh MacLeod is an artist who first made his name with “cartoons drawn on the back of business cards”. He’s a cartoonist, as well as CEO of Stormhoek USA, which markets South African wine in the US. Check out his blog.

28) The Inspiration Room
http://theinspirationroom.com/daily/- The Inspiration Room is a creative archive and community site first established in 2006. The Inspiration Room is a collaborative effort, providing you with the latest and classic creative inspirations from television, print, ambient and interactive advertising, music videos, photography and design.

29) Only Dead Fish
http://neilperkin.typepad.com/ – NeilPerkin is the founder of Only Dead Fish, a digital and media consultancy that specialises in applying strategic understanding of social and emerging media technologies to help businesses innovate, become more agile, and optimise their effectiveness within the new, networked communications environment. Get his tips here.

30) Thought Gadgets
http://www.thoughtgadgets.com/- Thought Gadgets is a blog by Mediassociates, a media buying firm specializing in advertising planning and measurement. They bring a mathematician’s focus to the fuzzy world of advertising. Advertising, marketing and the media … what works.

Social Media Marketing

31) Danny Brown
http://dannybrown.me/- Danny Brown is co-founder and partner at Bonsai Interactive Marketing, a full service marketing agency offering integrated , social media and mobile marketing solutions and applications. His blog is featured in the AdAge Power 150 list as well as Canada’s Top 50 Marketing Blogs, and won the Hive Award for Best Social Media Blog at the 2010 South by South West festival.

32) Social Media Explorer
http://www.socialmediaexplorer.com/- Social Media Explorer is a leading platform for insights, opinion and learning around the world of social emdia marketing, online communications, conversational marketing, digital marketing, public relations, community building and branding.

33) Chris Brogan
http://www.chrisbrogan.com/ – Chris Brogan consults and speaks professionally with Fortune 100 and 500 companies like PepsiCo, General Motors, Microsoft, and more, on the future of business communications, and social software technologies. His blog is in the Top 5 of the Advertising Age Power150. He has over 11 years experience in online community, social media, and related technologies.

34) Web Strategy
http://www.web-strategist.com/blog/- As a Web Strategist, Jeremiah Owyang strives to deliver insight on disruptive technologies and their impact on how companies communicate with their customers. This blog has been around since 2006, and has been recognized as a top analyst blog within the industry and by readers like you.

35) Convince & Convert
http://www.convinceandconvert.com/- Jay Baer is a tequila-loving, hype-free social media strategy consultant, speaker, and author who helps leading companies and PR firms harness the awesome power of the social Web. He’s the founder of Convince & Convert, a social media strategy firm with clients across North America. Check out his blog here.

36) Conversation Agent
http://www.conversationagent.com/ – Valeria Maltoni is a brand strategist with 20 years of real-world corporate experience across a broad array of mid-to-large sized companies. She specializes in taking companies to what’s next in their business cycle through marketing communications, customer dialogue, and brand advocacy.

37) The Social Media Marketing Blog
http://www.scottmonty.com/- Scott Monty is the head of social media for Ford Motor Company. This is his personal blog, where he shares his perspectives on social media – the convergence of marketing, advertising and PR on the Web – for marketers, agencies, the enterprise and the individual.

38) Social Media Examiner
http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/- Social Media Examiner is a free online magazine designed to help businesses discover how to best use social media tools like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to find leads, increase sales and generate more brand awareness.

39) BrianSolis.com
http://www.briansolis.com/- BrianSolis.com is among the world’s leading business and marketing online resources, ranking among the top 1% of all blogs tracked by Technorati. Solis is also ranked as one of the leading voices in the AdAge Power 150 index of worldwide marketing bloggers.

Marketing & PR

40) Strategic Public Relations
http://prblog.typepad.com/strategic_public_relation/ – Focused on strategy within integrated marketing communications, this blog has been hosted by Kevin Dugan since July 2002. He is a veteran marketer bringing creativity and strategy to award-winning marketing communications, social media and public relations projects.

41) PR-Squared
http://pr-squared.com/- Todd Defren is recognized globally as a Social Media & Public Relations innovator, thinker & lecturer. His blog, PR-Squared, is routinely among the top 20 blogs on AdAge’s Power150.

42) Ypulse
http://www.ypulse.com/- Comprised of media and insights divisions, Youth Pulse is the leading authority on youth. They study the opinions and behavior of tweens, teens, collegians and young adults in order to provide news, commentary, events, research and strategy for marketing, brand and media professionals.

Affiliate Marketing

43) ProBlogger
http://www.problogger.net/blog - ProBlogger helps bloggers to add income streams to their blogs. This site is dedicated to helping other bloggers learn the skills of blogging, share their own experiences and promote the blogging medium.

44) Affiliate X Files
http://www.affiliatexfiles.com/ – Affiliate X Files was created by Ron Cripps for the sole purpose of teaching affiliates how to correctly market their campaigns and money sites in the free search engines MSN (Bing), Yahoo and Google and to answer one of the biggest questions online today…“How do I make money on the internet?”

45) ReveNews
http://www.revenews.com/ – ReveNews is a trusted, unbiased source focusing on Internet related industries such as online marketing, SEM, affiliate marketing, retail (e-commerce), analytics, spyware, blogging and much more. ReveNews authors consist of highly respected thinkers, commentators and business people who have real experience and insight.

46) Affiliate Tip
http://blog.affiliatetip.com/- Shawn Collins has been an affiliate marketer since 1997. He writes a daily blog on affiliate marketing news and opinion at his Affiliate Tip site, and posts regularly to his Affiliate Tip TV channel on YouTube.

47) ShoeMoney
http://www.shoemoney.com/- ShoeMoney offers the skills you need to pay the bills. If you’re looking to discover how to make money online in 2010 check out the blog.
Brand Marketing

48) Brandflakesforbreakfast
http://www.brandflakesforbreakfast.com/- These bloggers read the internet so you don’t have to. Inspiring digital, marketing and creative people since 2005.

49) Logic+Emotion
http://darmano.typepad.com/- Logic+Emotion blends strategy with design and looks for new business opportunities around the social Web to enhance the customer experience, connect individuals and innovate.

50) Brand DNA
http://branddna.blogspot.com/- Brand DNA outlines the weird and wonderful world of brands and communication. This post source from http://goo.gl/yOKSI
contributed by, SEO Guru Blog

1 comment:

  1. I hope your 50 wonder sharing are helpful for SEO people.
